It’s a truly rare and wonderful thing when you find a person that has all of the qualities and abilities you need to help you navigate what I consider one of the biggest financial decisions you ever make. Real estate purchases & sales are life impacting but we think anyone will do. It’s not true. There’s a massive difference. Someone that’s professional and well respected. With sound well thought out advice backed by years of personal & business success. These are not accidents or luck. It’s created over time by a brilliant mind and unwavering ethics. He truly works for your best interest. This intrigues me. His first concern is getting your deal done right for you. Whatever effort that takes he is there. When you hire Andy you also get his network of “support” professionals Tried & true. This is what I mean by rare. I’ve experienced this multiple times and my experience has never been anything less than first rate. If you want absolutely impeccable choose Andy Kent there is no one else in his class.